The LORD says Ye are the Light of the World…JUST SHINE!

Father I want to thank You for the “eternal” student You have created me to be! My Daddy always said that I lifted my head the first day I was born! He said I came here with a question mark on my face!

We would all laugh as he said the words…because he said them about me with such LOVE!

I was the 3rd daughter of this man named Ted! He wanted a boy so bad and was given a shower for a boy! He named me Teddi! My Mama and Daddy tried to have me for 4 years…I was 8 years and 9 months younger than my sister Carole. Gloria who was 10 years and 5 months older than me dressed me in doll clothes!

Mama wrote of me to my Daddy’s Mama…our Naunie…that I potty-trained myself…I climbed up on the toilet determined that I was as “big” as anybody else. That curiosity…that determination caused me to have 3-degree burns on my leg…as I toddled across a floor furnace…having climbed out of my bed…headed to my Daddy who was shaving in the bathroom.

Many many years later the LORD told my Daddy that I was His Captain. He also gave Daddy words to the song Healed Forever and told him I’d know what to do with it! I sing it at least once weekly until this day! People have been healed just as the LORD told Daddy when I sing it!

This present year…2015…12 days after my 65th birthday…has been some sort of year for my family! Many trials have hit the Moore Girls…Ted’s and Elaine’s daughters…and our children and friends. This has also been an amazing year of GRACE!!

As we’ve learned of the times and seasons…identifying more and more with the nation our LORD loves…Israel! Understanding who we the Church are in Him has been a daily seeking of me and those who pray with me. We sing this wonderful song Just Shine…and along with our understanding all the Blood Moons and Solar Eclipse…and the harbinger, shemitah, and jubilee…out of the darkness and into the light comes the explanation of the Shabbat…the Sabbath…and the candles the women in the families light…connecting them across the world! Woo Hoo!!!

Our song Just Shine takes on even greater meaning as we sing it now!

Just Shine

You don’t have to worry,

You don’t have to worry,

You don’t have to worry,

Just Shine


Seek first my Kingdom,

Be anxious for nothing,

Trust in the LORD, and

Just Shine


Just thank Me and praise Me,

Just thank Me and praise Me,

Just thank Me and praise Me,

Just Shine


For lo, I Am with you,

Lo, I Am with you,

Lo, I Am with you,

Just Shine


I Am the glory,

I Am the glory,

I Am the glory,

Just Shine (the climax)


Then , whisper

You don’t have to worry,

You don’t have to worry,

You don’t have to worry,

Just Shine



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