The Most Unreached! The 10/40 Window! February 6, 2013

I know I’m a teacher…but more than a teacher…I’m an eternal student!

I am always finding out about something new! I’m forever learning!

Hello…are any of you like me?

I mean, I knew that the Lord was calling me to India, but the more I research…I’m finding out that not only India, but that whole area of Asia, Africa, and the Middle East that is located between the 10 degree North and the 40 degree North latitudes…is made up of a huge area of land like 1/3 of the world…but has like 2/3 of all the peoples of the world.

Is that Amazing or what?

I knew that Hinduism was the main religion in India…and I knew that Buddhism was the main religion of China…and I knew that Islam was the main religion of the Middle East.

I did not know that these are the 3 major blocs of the 10/40 window.

All these religions preach or teach anti-Christ doctrine. I mean our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ brought good news…He set us free from the bondage of sin, sickness, and poverty.

The nations…all the mega-cities in these nations…are bound in poverty. The LORD became poor that we might be rich. He rejoices in the prosperity of His Saints!

As we give into the Kingdom, we come out of poverty!

When the LORD asked me to go to India…to feed His Sheep!…I was listening as He directed me to feed His Sheep! Sheep have a Shepherd…they are already saved…but need discipling in how to prosper!

Give and it shall be given unto you!

When you are poor … you think you can’t give…but God’s key to prosperity is giving out of our need!

Also occupying the Land…claiming every place I put my foot…them claiming everywhere they put their foot…the key to owning land…claiming Kingdom in the 10/40 window.

Praying the Word…as we pray the prayer blanket…commits Word to our hearts…that we not sin against God.

Praying the Word slays the enemy!

Praying the Word heals the flesh!!

I’m excited to go and I’m on my way…$925 toward the 4-5000 that I need!

Won’t you join us and send Women Who Pray to India?

Any gift is greatly appreciated!!

Thanks in advance!!

Our address is:
Women Who Pray
P. O. Box 1743
Dacula, GA 30019


Until the next time…


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