I am so glad that I am the redeemed of the LORD!! and…I say so!!!!!
Love that song!
I’m the redeemed of the LORD and I say so!…I am redeemed! I’m the redeemed of the LORD and I say so!…I am redeemed! I’m the redeemed of the LORD and I say so! I am redeemed! I am redeemed from the hand of the enemy.
Thank You, LORD, for redeeming us!!!
Thank You, LORD, for saving my soul! Thank You, LORD, for making me whole! Thank You, LORD, for giving to me…Thy great salvation…so rich and free!
I love singing to my Jesus!!
He loves me to sing to HIm!!
Thank You, LORD, for pouring out Your Spirit on Your children…that we hear and see…understanding the dreams and visions for us in these last days…awaiting Your return, LORD!!
Glory!!! Shouting ground for sure!!
In Jesus’ Name and for His sake.
Amen and Amen.
Until the next time…